There will be a top prize for 3 categories:
• fave Canadian animal
• fave Canadian pass-time or dish
• fave Canadian artist/artwork)
and, 1 randomly selected overall prize! 🙂
Prize for each category winner:
$75 VISA Debit card + bonus gift certificate
The draw will take place on July 1 and announced July 2 via Critical Mass Art social channels.
We may be physically distanced this year, but we can feel connected by sharing what we love most about Canada, bringing that collective festive feeling to our neigbourhoods.
Help us showcase what you love most about Canada!
We have partnered with the Municipality of Port Hope to encourage the community to create public art displays for Canada Day.
Using items you have around your home, create a display on your front porch, your lawn, balcony, or in your windows, showing what you love most about Canada.
Three main contest categories include: your favourite Canadian animal; favourite Canadian pass-time or dish; or favourite Canadian artists/artwork.
Don’t forget about the nighttime for your displays! Bring out those Christmas lights or summer twinkly lights to incorporate into your display. You can even use those lights to spell out what you love most about Canada. Maybe you love “poutine”, “butter tarts”, Alanis Morissette, or Autumn Peltier. Spell it out in lights! 🙂
Here’s how the challenge works:
1. Create a public art display on your front porch, lawn, balcony, or in your windows (using materials and found objects you already have at home) that show what you love most about Canada.
2. Take a photo of your display & post it to your Facebook or Instagram feed (or upload photos at
3. Use the hashtags #frommyporch, #porthope, and #canadaday
4. Tag @criticalmassartporthope on Facebook &/or @criticalmassart on Instagram
5. Tell your friends & neighbours
When you tag @criticalmassart you’ll be considered for a chance to win a prize!