Going. Gone. is a fundraiser to help Critical Mass meet our objectives to deliver, engaging and entertaining artistic programming. Going. Gone. is a playful response to Critical Mass’ curatorial theme ‘ephemera’ for 2019 programming.
Over time, we accumulate art for various reasons – a piece may speak to us as we work our way through an emotional juncture or we may simply respond to a colour palette. Over time our tastes change and our relationships to the art that we have accumulated change. Often, artwork will end up in a closet as we have simply moved past our connection with the piece but we hold onto it as a reminder of a time gone by. For sale at the auction, individual donors have generously donated works of art from their private collections.
Going. Gone. Online Auction | September 12 to 17, 2019 | www.stapletonauctions.hibid.com
Disclaimer: Every effort has been made by Critical Mass to ensure that all these privately donated lots, are represented fairly, both in word descriptions and photos. All sizing is approximate and includes framing as applicable. We have noted small condition issues where possible. We have made every effort to identify the artist but some works are listed “Unknown”. The Estimated Fair Market Value or EFMV, was arrived at, by Critical Mass, through online research, gallery sales and sales data at the time of purchase, by the donor. We have done our best to estimate fair value and when in doubt have sided with the lower range of expectations. But It is up to the bidder to determine the value to them, at time of auction. Thank you.
Ephemera. The curatorial theme for 2019 programming explores ephemeral objects, experiences and information as inspiration for contemporary art. Transience and impermanence, art that explores the digital realm, art that exists only in our minds, and art that works within the concepts of mass production, disposable materials, and the non-precious.
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